When you rent an apartment from Williams Landing Apartments, you will find the following links for information around Greenwood , MS!
Greenwood Utilities (662) 453-7234 greenwoodutilities.com There is a $200.00 deposit to have utilities turned on.
Emergency Services
Greenwood Leflore Hospital 662459700 www.glh.org For all emergencies, please call 911.
Local Shopping
Dollar Store
Family Dollar (662) 453-8000 www.familydollar.com This store is located on the same street as the apartment complex about 1 mile.
Leflore County Civic Center (662) 453-4065 Various activities are held at the civic center such as basket ball games, concerts and it is also rented out for personal use.
Sheriff Department
Leflore County Sheriff Departm (662) 453-5141 Please call 911 for an emergency.
Elementary School
East Elementary School (663) 453-3029 lefcs.org East Elementary School - grades K - 5
Amanda Elzy Jr. High School - grades 6-8 (662)453-9677
Amanda Elzy High School - grades 9-12 (662)453-3394
New Green Grove Church of Fait 662453157 www.newgreengrovechurchoffaith.org Bishop Milton Glass, Pastor
New Green Grove Church of Faith is located next to Williams Landing Apartments.